This is just like the gay bar in japan

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everything was so connected and inspiring for me.” From there, he started designing dresses for the queens and even the go-go dancers. Galliano’s esthetic: The exaggerated dresses and make-up, the big hair. name in the bustling Nichome, a bar popular among 30 to 40-year-old gay men for. 'I immediately understood the culture of the club - the drag queens, especially - strongly connected to Mr. Shinjuku Nichome (or 2-chome, as it is sometimes written), is Tokyos. He even connected his experiences at the club to the works of Galliano.

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(As debut runways go, this one was categorically not understated in any way.) Koizumi poured himself over these books and magazines in an effort to not only better understand fashion, but to see as much of it as he could. Thanks to his fashion-loving mother, Koizumi got his hands on fashion magazines from a young age in his hometown of Chiba, about an hour outside Tokyo, and even encountered seminal books like John Galliano for Dior, all of which helped set him on a path that would, years later, have him making his New York Fashion Week debut with a model roster that included Emily Ratajkowski, Bella Hadid and Joan Smalls.

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